WBEZ Radio Interview

Dr. Patrick Corrigan is interviewed on WBEZ radio about strategies for addressing physical health needs of people with serious mental illness, including his funded peer navigator pilot studies.

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Stigma and Health Journal

Patrick Corrigan is now Editor-in-Chief of APA's new journal Stigma and Health. Stigma and Health publishes peer-reviewed, original research articles that may include tests of hypotheses about the form and impact of stigma, examination of strategies to decrease stigma's effects, and survey research capturing stigma in populations. Stigma and Health especially welcomes research studies on methods meant to erase the stigma of mental and physical illnesses. Theoretical reviews and pioneering reports on innovations are also welcome.

Click here to submit your manuscript.

2017 Together Against Stigma Conference

Join us in preparing for the highly anticipated "Together Against Stigma" taking place Sept 20-22 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

2017 Together Against Stigma Announcement

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Staff Training Articles

Corrigan, P.W., Liberman, R.P., & Engel, J.D. (1990). From noncompliance to collaboration in treatment of schizophrenia. Strategies that facilitate collaboration between practitioner and patient. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 41, 1203-1211.

Axer, H.A., Corrigan, P.W., & Liberman, R.P. (1992). Helping chronic psychiatric patients adjust to socio-political changes in Poland. Psychiatry55207 213.

Corrigan, P.W. (1992). Behavior therapy and the course of schizophrenia. The Behavior Therapist, 15, 61-65.

Liberman, R.P., & Corrigan, P.W. (1992). Is schizophrenia a neurological disorder? Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 4, 119-124.

Corrigan, P.W. (1993). Staff stressors at a developmental center and state hospital. Mental Retardation, 31, 234-238.

Corrigan, P.W., & Kayton-Weinberg, D. (1993). Aggressive versus problem-focused case management for the severely mentally ill. Community Mental Health Journal, 29, 449-458.

Corrigan, P.W., Holmes, E.P., & Luchins, D. (1993). Identifying staff advocates of behavioral treatment innovations in state psychiatric hospitals. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 24, 219-225.

Corrigan, P.W., Yudofsky, S.C., & Silver, J. (1993). The application of drug and behavioral treatments for aggressive inpatients. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 44, 125-133.

Liberman, R.P., & Corrigan, P.W. (1993). Designing new psychosocial treatments for schizophrenia. Psychiatry, 56, 238-249.

Corrigan, P.W. (1994). Differences between clinical and nursing inpatient staff: Implications for training in behavioral rehabilitation. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 25, 311-316.

Corrigan, P.W., Holmes, E.P., Luchins, D., Parks, J., DeLaney, E., & Kayton-Weinberg, D. (1994). Setting up inpatient behavioral treatment programs: The staff needs assessment. Behavioral Interventions, 9, 1-12.

Corrigan, P.W., Holmes, E.P., Luchins, D. Buican, B., Parks, J.J. & Basit, A. (1994). Staff burnout in psychiatric hospitals: A cross-lagged panel design. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15, 65-74.

Corrigan, P.W., Luchins, D.J., Malan, R.D., & Harris, J. (1994). User-friendly continuous quality improvement for the mental health team. Medical Interface, 7(12), 89-95.

Corrigan, P.W., Buican, B., & McCracken, S. (1995). The Needs and Resources Assessment Interview for severely mentally ill adults. Psychiatric Services46, 504-505.

Corrigan, P.W., Holmes, E.P., & Luchins, D. (1995). Burnout and collegial support in state psychiatric hospital staff. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51703-710.

Corrigan, P.W., Holmes, E.H., Luchins, D., Basit, A., DeLaney, E., Gleason, W., Buican, B. & McCracken, S. (1995). The effects of interactive staff training on staff programming and patient aggression in a psychiatric inpatient unit. Behavioral Interventions, 10, 17-32.

Corrigan, P.W., & McCracken, S. (1995). Refocusing the training of psychiatric rehabilitation staff. Psychiatric Services, 46, 1172-1177.

Corrigan, P.W., & McCracken, S.G. (1995). Psychiatric rehabilitation and staff development: Educational and organizational models. Clinical Psychology Review, 15, 699-719.

Corrigan, P.W., & Blaney, T. (1996). Behavior therapy training in psychiatric nursing, psychiatry, social work, and psychology. the Behavior Therapist19, 117-118

Corrigan, P.W., McCracken, S. Edwards, M., Brunner, J., Garman, A., Nelson, D., & Leary, M. (1997). Collegial support and barriers to behavioral programs for severe mental illness. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 28, 193-202.

Corrigan, P.W., McCracken, S.G., Kommana, S., Edwards, M., & Simpatico, T. (1996). Staff perceptions about barriers to innovative behavioral rehabilitation programs. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 20, 541-551.

Corrigan, P.W., McCracken, S.G., Kommana, S., Edwards, M., & Simpatico, T. (1997). Changing staff attitudes about behavioral rehabilitation programs. Psychiatric Services, 48, 1336-1338.

Garman, A.N., Corrigan, P.W., Norris, R., Bachand, S., Lam, C., & McCracken, S.G. (1997). How mental health and developmental disabilities staff prioritize training and development needs. Community Mental Health Journal, 33, 143-148.

Corrigan, P.W., Garman, A.N., Lam, C., & Leary, M. (1998). What mental health teams want in their leaders. Administration and Policy in Mental Health26, 111-124.

Corrigan, P.W., & Giffort, D.W. (Eds.) (1998). Editors' note: Building teams and programs for effective rehabilitation. New Directions in Mental Health Services, 79, 1-2.

Corrigan, P.W., Hess, L., & Garman, A.N. (1998). Results of a job analysis of psychologists working in state hospitals. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 541-8.

Corrigan, P.W., & McCracken, S.G. (1998). An interactive approach to training teams and developing programs. New Directions in Mental Health Services79, 3-12.

Corrigan, P.W., Williams, O.B., McCracken, S.G., Kommana, S., Edwards, M., & Brunner, J. (1998). Staff attitudes that impede the implementation of behavioral treatment programs. Behavior Modification, 22, 548-562.

Corrigan, P.W., & Garman, A.N. (1999). Transformational and transactional leadership skills for mental health teams. Community Mental Health Journal35, 301-312.

Corrigan, P.W., Garman, A.N., Canar, J., & Lam, C. (1999). Characteristics of rehabilitation team leaders: A validation study. Rehabilitation Counselling Bulletin, 42, 186-195.

Corrigan, P.W., & McCracken, S.G. (1999). Training teams to deliver better psychiatric rehabilitation programs. Psychiatric Services, 50, 43-46.

Garman, A.N., & Corrigan, P.W. (1999). Management coursework in Graduate behavioral health programs. The Journal of Health Administration Education, 17, 227-231.

Corrigan, P.W., Lickey, S.E., Campion, J., & Rashid, F. (2000). A short course in leadership skills for the rehabilitation team. The Journal of Rehabilitation, 66(2), 56-58.

Corrigan, P.W., Lickey, S., Campion, J., & Rashid, F. (2000). Mental health team leadership and consumer satisfaction. Psychiatric Services, 51, 781-785.

Yeaman, C., Craine, W., Gorsek, J., & Corrigan, P.W. (2000). Performance improvement teams for better psychiatric rehabilitation. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 27, 113-128.

Corrigan, P.W., Steiner, L., McCracken, S.G., Blaser, B., & Barr, M. (2001). Strategies for staffdissemination of evidence-based practices for people with serious mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 52, 1598-1606.

Edwards, A.B., Giffort, D.W., McCracken, S.G., & Corrigan, P.W. (2002). Public academic training partnerships for paraprofessionals who provide psychiatric rehabilitation. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Skills, 5, 437-454.

Garman, A. N., Corrigan, P. W., & Morris, S. B. (2002). Staff burnout and patient satisfaction: Evidence of relationships at the care unit level. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 7, 235-241.

Corrigan, P.W., Lickey, S., Campion, J. & Rashid, F. (2003). Transformational leadership and the mental health team. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 30, 97-108.

Garman, A., Davis-Lenane, D., & Corrigan, P.W. (2003). Passive versus active management-by-exception. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 24, 803-812.

Corrigan, P.W., Pickett, S., Batia, K., & Michaels, P.J. (in press). Peer navigators and integrated care to address ethnic health disparities of people with serious mental illness. Social Work in Public Health.

Ploper, V., Jones, R., Kraus, D., Schmidt, A., & Corrigan, P. (in press). Feedback from American participants of a mental health first aid training course. Journal of Public Mental Health.  

Corrigan, P.W., Vega, E., Larson, J., Michaels, P.J., McClintock, G., Krzyzanowski, R., Gause, M., & Buchholz, B. (2013). The California Schedule of key ingredients for contact-based anti-stigma programs.  Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 36, 173-179 

Mittal, D., Ounpraseuth, S., Reaves, C., Chekuri, L., Han, X., Corrigan, P.W., Sullivan, G. (2016). Providers personal and professional contact with persons with mental illness: Relationship to clinical expectations. Psychiatric Services, 67, 55-61.

Corrigan, P.W., & Jones, N. (2015). Counseling interventions for people with psychiatric disabilities. In Chan, F., Berven, N.L., & Thomas, K.R. (Eds). Counseling theories and techniques for rehabilitation and mental health professionals.  New York: Springer. (399-416).

Khenti, A., Mann, R., Sapag, J., Sireesha, B., Lentinello, E., vanderMass, M., Agic, B., Hamilton, H., Stuart, H., Patten, S., & Corrigan, P. Exploring stigmatization and recovery-based perspectives regarding mental illness and substance use problems among primary healthcare providers                     across Toronto, Ontario. Manuscript submitted to BMJ Open

Corrigan, P.W. Beware the educational fix: Limitations of efforts to promote mental health literacy. Manuscript submitted to Psychiatric Services